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Abundance Alignment Processes CD

When your vibration is in alignment you attract and manifest what you desire quickly. You will be led through 3 powerful processes that will align your deepest desires with the universe around you by removing resistance. # Abundance Intro # Beach Process # Earth Process # Heart Process


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Akashic Record & Halls of Amenti Home Study Course

Learn to read the Akashic Records. Heal and clear your energy. Enter the Halls of Amenti.


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Chakra Balancing

Chakras are energy centers in our body that when out of balance, can create physical, mental and spiritual disharmony. By clearing and balancing the 7 major Chakras daily, your immune system will be enhanced, you will recover from illness or injury faster, your energy will be supercharged and you will feel a deep sense of peace and clarity. You can use this CD as a GUIDED MEDITATION. * Morning Balance * Evening Balance


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Clearing Limiting Prosperity Belief Using EFT

You've watched the DVD The Secret but are still stuck about why you're not attracting quicker. Your thoughts, feelings and beliefs about prosperity are whats stopping you. Use the process in this CD to reduce and remove these stumbling blocks to your dreams. EFT is a powerful and many times permanent solution. Remember to drink a lot of water after the session is over to help realign your system. * Introduction * EFT Process for Prosperity EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is a form of meridian tapping based on the ancient Chinese system of Acupuncutre. There are NO needles involved, rather tapping at points on the body. These points are very important to release blockages and issues from the mind and body. EFT is easy to use and very gentle on the body and mind.


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creating life with ease

Creation doesn't have to be hard work and force. It can be fun, joyful and ease. What if you allow for things to come easily and quickly? In this one day seminar, you will be clearing beliefs and patterns from many lifetimes that stop you from your target.


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Divine Master Template Activation

The master number that reflects transformation, transfiguration, illumination and insight from the physical into the Divine is 11. On 11-11-11 the template entered our earth's energy field. The energy of 11 brings spirituality and everyone who receives it becomes a light bearer.


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healing the brain

Your brain is a powerful tool for creation and happiness. If it's in pain through trauma, everything becomes difficult. Clear these traumas in this 4 week 1.5 hour class.


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Light Activations

2012 Activations


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Losing Weight Using EFT

EFT is a powerful tool to remove sabotaging thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Based on the principles of acupuncture, EFT helps the body realign itself energetically without any negative consequences. There are no needles involved, rather tapping at meridian endpoints. In many cases, EFT works where everything else didn't. You will be led through the EFT process to eliminate any thoughts, beliefs or feelings that are keeping you stuck from losing weight. Drink a lot if water after the session is over to help realign your system


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Love & Light Template Activation

On December 21st, 2010 the first portal of Love and Light poured onto the planet. During August 12-18th the second portal opened. Each and every person's heart flame was ignited to connect to the I Am presence and the collective grid above the earth. The energies of the masculine and feminine were balanced reflecting the duality that consists through all of consciousness. The shift occurred through all bodies, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. The vibration of unconditional love and light started to emanate from each person's core being. This was just the first of the 6th-24th dimensional energies being downloaded onto the planet now.


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Manifest More Money

Manifest Money Using EFT removes 100+ issues, blocks, emotions that are keeping you stuck financially. It deals with debt, family money imprints and your money patterns. It shows you how to stay in energetic alignment so you can receive easily and consistently.


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Money Blueprint Class II

6 Hour Live Money Clearing Class


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Money Clearings

EFT Money Clearing Program Money Blueprint #1 Money Blueprint #2


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New Year Clearings

New years are times of possibilities. Clear out the clutter so you can have a fresh start.What energy is creating resistance to having, being and experiencing more!


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Reiki Alignment Exercises CD

The word Reiki comes from the Japanese language and means Universal Life Force Energy. Reiki is a form of energy work that supports you in healing yourself and others. This CD is for any person who does energy work and needs to keep themselves balanced, clear and stable. # Reiki Intro # Grounding Exercise # Spirit Guide # Love Bubble Shield # Violet Flame # Cutting Cords # Reiki Shower


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Restful Sleep CD

The stress of work and life can make relaxing at night very difficult. The brain waves that help you slow down to sleep are not functioning at their capacity. Using this CD, your brain waves will slow down so you can ease into a restful sleep. The affirmations help you wake up refreshed and invigorated the next day. Children can use this CD. Do not use this CD while driving or using heavy machinery. * Guided Sleep Imagery * Positive Rejuvenation Affirmations


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Weight Loss Guided Imagery

Using the immense power of your subconscious mind, you will manage and lose weight effectively and easily. Using hypnotic suggestions that bypass the conscious mind and work with your subconscious mind where quick change happens. Eat without constantly counting calories by effortlessly choosing foods that are right for you. Bring your body back into its'natural balance. Drink a lot of water after listening to this CD. Do not listen to this CD while driving or using heavy machinery.


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